The CHS organization is comprised of a small number of dedicated, active volunteers. Although our main focus is remembering our past, the CHS is also involved in community projects that promote the Village of Springville and Town of Concord as great places to live, work, shop, and play. We are actively seeking new members who enjoy listening to and telling stories, crafting, baking pies and cookies, networking with fellow members, learning or teaching folk arts, playing musical instruments & singing, arranging displays & decorating, attending public presentations to learn more about our rich heritage, touring historical places, doing research, digging through historical treasures, taking publicity photos with your cell phone, and if able using a paint brush. No prior knowledge of our local history is required. Contact Dave Ploetz if there are questions about getting involved: (716) 982-5975 or
We welcome your donations to Concord Historical Society.
If the donation is monetary please mail them to Concord Historical Society, P.O. Box 425, Springville, NY 14141
If you wish to donate an item please comply with the following legal requirements:
Item must be related to the Town of Concord and/or people living or who have lived there.
Any information you can supply about the item or the owner(s) will allow us to develop a
history for this item and tell the story when we display the item.
Please understand that our space is limited and we might not accept your donation.
Now for the legal stuff: We need to know the name and address of the person donating the item. We
supply you with a form to collect this information.
We are required to obtain a signed permission from you. The form includes a statement to
which you agree. This reads, in part; I hereby gift, grant and give the items to the Concord
Historical Society, Inc. I represent that the oral or written information or personal property is
either possessed or owned by me or that I have the full power and authority to gift, grant and
give this material. By signing this document you also agree that the Concord Historical Society
shall be free to do what it desires with the donation. This may be but is not limited to: display,
use, reproductions, alteration, modification, preservation, sale, lease, exchange or other
Items cannot be just left on our property without completing the required donation paperwork. This becomes
a real problem due to the legal requirements and cause us to not be able to accept them or display them, thus
we lose what may be a very valuable connection with our history.